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Osteopath treating the shoulder

Osteopaths are highly trained to treat a wide variety of complaints​​

We focus on providing expert osteopathic care for the following issues:


Man with headache

The pain you may feel in your face, eyes, jaw or temple is more often than not, coming from another source


Migraine is extremely complex and has many possible causes and triggers. Thorough assessment and management is important to reduce symptoms

Woman with migraine

Jaw Pain

Man with jaw pain

Jaw pain is the most common chronic pain disorder in younger people and has a massive impact on quality of life

Neck pain & whiplash

Spinal injury

Neck pain can come from from the joints, muscles, discs, or nerves and can become chronic if the underlying cause is not treated


Man with dizziness

Vertigo is the sensation that you’re moving, or the world is moving, even when you’re stationary



Man with concussion

Concussion is a mild brain injury which can cause a wide variety of symptoms and will sometimes require rehabilitation

Book an Appointment

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort contact us today

to get started on your recovery

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